Bullying is a real issue that youth all over our country faces. It is harmful to individuals and when it happens in sports it can be devastating to the whole team.
Three Main Types of Bullying
Verbal bullying is saying or writing mean or hurtful things about someone like teasing, name-calling, making inappropriate comments, taunting, or threatening.
Social bullying is harming someone’s reputation or friendships, such as leaving someone out on purpose, telling others not to be friends with someone, spreading rumors, or embracing someone in public.
Physical bullying is intentionally hurting a person’s body or their possessions, like hitting, spitting, tripping, pushing, breaking someone’s things, or rude gestures.
What We Can Do
While we hope that bullying isn’t inevitable, we know that right now 28% of youth are picked on and taunted regularly. We want to make sure our youth are confident in their own skin when bullying activities arise. Our THRIVE program is a partnership with Well-Being Elevated that is intended to reach today’s Park City youth. Through this program, we encourage youth to learn to Live Like Sam by offering an evidence-based curriculum paired with peer-to-peer mentorship to teach resiliency, self-identity, gratitude, self-compassion, and other social-emotional skills. Registration for our 2022 cohorts begins in February.