Congrats to the Spread Kindness Challenge Winners!
We were so incredibly impressed and inspired by all of our Spread Kindness Challenge applicants and winners! Thank you all for sharing your kindness with us and with your friends, family and community. Keep it up!
Click on the photos or names below to see some of the winners' kindness videos!

Devin Hendrix

Ellen Kennedy

Elsa Futch

Griffin Smith
A special thank you to Odin Stein for showing us how much he loves his sister Maya!
The Spread Kindness Challenge
A kindness challenge for all students K-12 in Summit County schools.
Live Like Sam believes that kindness is the best – and easiest – thing you can spread amongst your friends, teammates, family and community. Our mission to promote character, inclusivity and community in our youth is based on the simple idea that kindness can change lives.
That's why we've teamed up with Leadership Park City to challenge all of the students in Summit County to incorporate kindness in everything they do. To further encourage all of Summit County's youth to be kind, we've joined forces to find 13 Student Kindness Leaders who will receive a special gift from our community!
Spread Kindness & Win!
Some of the most important lessons in life cannot be found in books or taught through lectures – they live in our hearts and are learned through our actions toward each other. How you act, how you treat others and how you treat yourself matters.
Please, lead by example and help us spread kindness!
The Challenge
It's simple: show us your KIND and we will show you our appreciation! All you need to do is record and post a 30 to 60-second video about an act of kindness you did or witnessed and fill out the form below.
Please submit your video any time between now and Tuesday, June 30th. We will choose 13 Kindness Leaders (one from each grade level) from the submissions – all of whom will receive a special gift of gratitude from our community!
Show Your Kindness
Skylar Jackenthal talks about a recent act of kindness that not only helped a family in need but also made her feel good in the process. Kindness is contagious!
Win Awesome Prizes
Winners will receive free sessions at Woodward Park City this summer!
Winners will receive a voucher for a Jumpside Pass, which includes the alpine slide and extreme tubing!
*Due to the current public health situation, dates may be subject to change in accordance with local regulations and reopening dates.
How it Works
To take the Challenge, send us a 30 to 60-second video about an act of kindness that you did or witnessed in the last year.
Please answer these questions:
How did the kind act make you feel? How did it make the other person(s) involved feel?
Next, upload your video to Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo (or whatever your favorite platform is). Don't forget the hashtags #SpreadKindnessChallenge #LiveLikeSam!
Last step: Send us the link to your video below!
Spread kindness! Take the challenge!
The 13 Kindness Leaders will be announced in July. Stay tuned!
Spread Kindness & Live Like Sam
If you'd like to help Live Like Sam in our efforts to spread kindness, promote inclusivity and provide character education to our youth, you can donate to the Live Like Sam Fund by clicking below.
Your kindness is contagious. Thank you!